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Mr. ConsistentMr. Consistent
Christmas In July

Christmas In July

With a slight chill in the air and the urge to cuddle up to a warm fire, why not go that little bit further and pull out that ugly Christmas sweater hiding at the back of your closet? Although it may not be your token white Christmas setting in the middle of July, that doesn't mean we can't celebrate Christmas six months early! Celebrate Christmas in July with Me and deck the halls with some festive fun and of course, My tasty and heart warming cocktails! 

Like any good celebration, a little preparation goes a long way! So make sure you and your Christmas elves have everything in order. My suggestion? Checklists! Start your list off with my Christmas in July Pack or Friends-mas Pack! It includes all the essentials you will be needing to kick off your festive celebration. I have added a list of my own  to help get you started on your merry way! 

Christmas in July Checklist:

- Christmas in Winter Pack 

-Friends-mas Pack

-Good friends and family to celebrate with 

-Potluck dishes to share at the dinner table

-Board games 

-Classic Christmas playlist

-Chestnuts to roast by the fire 

- Christmas Crackers 

- Ugly Christmas sweaters

-Classic Christmas films 





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